Mobile - Best Personal Assistant for Shopping

mobile.jpgWith people being on the go nowadays, is it any wonder that mobile shopping is on the rise? The introduction of responsive web design has sort of propelled this mode of shopping. According to Google Shopping's product management director, Vineet Buch, mobile is the best personal shopping assistant for many people these days. And the statistics prove him right.

From 2010 to 2013, consumer visits to physical stores dropped by an amazing 55 percent. And yet, there was an increase of retail store purchase by 13 percent. How is this possible? The answer is online or mobile shopping. According to him, around 1 in 3 shoppers do their own research online about a specific product prior to visiting the store.

What Can Be Done To Increase Sales?

Considering how everything is related to online, the importance of PLAs is undeniable. PLA refers to a search ad, which can be seen on the very top of a Google search page. Google introduced PLAs or product listing ads in 2012 and they have been well received by both marketers and consumers worldwide.

How Do You Reach Out To Mobile Consumers?

Apart from using PLAs, it is also important to make good use of RWD for your website. RWD stands for responsive web design. With RWD, viewing your company's website without any distortion on any mobile device is plausible. RWD will adjust your site dynamically for flawless site viewing in accordance with the mobile device's screen size and capacity. So it does not matter whether consumers use their PC, iPad or whatever.

All of the themes are mobile ready which means that your website will be mobile responsive right away after the launch. Kommand website building platform offers you flexibility and the most recent technology updates as soon as it goes out! You will not have to worry about hosting and technological side of your website development.

How Can RWD Help Increase Your Company's Retail Sales?

A neutral marketing research organization, eMarketer estimates B2C online sales to reach US$1.5 trillion this year, 2014. And with the global total of mobile phone users estimated to reach US$4.55 billion in 2014, there is no denying RWD can help increase your company's retail sales. What's more Google fosters the usage of RWD websites.

So if you wish to boost your company's retail sales locally or even globally, consider making good use of both PLA's and Responsive Web Design. As the purchase of smartphones and mobile phones increase in a progressively fast paced world, mobile is the preferred choice of consumers who wish to save time, energy and money.

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